Zoom In
You can zoom your map in through two ways. One is to roll the middle key of your mouse. Another one is to click Maps > Browse > Zoom in.
Besides, you can click Z to switch your mouse status from Pan or Select to Zoom in.
After activing the Zoom in feature, you can zoom your map through the following two ways.
- Zoom in by clicking a point: Click in the map window to zoom in the map by 2 times.
- Zoom in by dragging a box: Hold down the left mouse button and drag along the diagonal to draw a temporary box, and then release the left mouse button to zoom in your map. The map will be zoomed in from the center of the temporary by either the width, or height ratio of the map window and the box. The smaller ratio will be chosen as the zoom in factor.
Zoom Out
You can zoom your map out through two ways. One is to roll the middle key of your mouse. Another one is to click Maps > Browse > Zoom out.
Besides, you can click X to switch your mouse status from Pan or Select to Zoom out.
- Zoom out by clicking a point: Click in the map window to zoom out the map by 2 times.
- Zoom out by dragging a box: Hold down the left mouse button and drag along the diagonal to draw a temporary box, and then release the left mouse button to zoom out the map in focus. The map will be zoomed out from the center of the temporary box by either the width, or height ratio of the map window and the box. The smaller ratio will be chosen as the zoom out factor.
Zoom Free
- Zoom Free
Click the Zoom In/Out drop-down list and select Zoom Free. The mouse pointer turns to
in the map window. Or, you can press the C key on the keyboard to switch to zoom free mode.
- Hold down the left mouse button and drag to zoom in or out the map, then release the left mouse button and the map will be refreshed.
- White areas may exist during the zoom free operation because the map is not instantly refreshed. For each zoom free operation, the map is refreshed after you release the left mouse button.
- To instantly refresh the map during the zoom free operation, please use the Instant Zoom Free command.
- Instant Zoom Free
Click the Zoom In/Out drop-down list and select Instant Zoom Free. The mouse pointer turns to
in the map window.
- Hold down the left mouse button and drag to zoom in or out the map and, then release the left mouse button. The map is fluently displayed because it is instantly refreshed during the instant zoom free operation.